Thursday, March 24, 2011

I love Homeschooling

I may have said this before, but I love homeschooling.

Take today, for example. Normally at 10 in the morning on a Thursday we'd be in the throes of handwriting, math and Spanish. But last night we were all (including the little boys) up until ten because last night was the kick off of my amazing husband's amazing midweek service party for kids. It was amazing. There will be videos, once I learn how to post them.

And then this morning somebody forgot to tell the baby that staying up late leads to sleeping in. And then I found The Pioneer Woman. I adore The Pioneer Woman. She's feisty. She has cows. Do not go to her blog unless you have nothing planned in the next two hours. Consider yourself warned.

So today the kids are watching entirely too many cartoons, and I'm reading every single one of The Pioneer Woman's back entries since 2007. It's not that we won't do school today. We'll just start late. Like 10:30. Or 1:00. We'll see.

Oh, and I read this fabulous quote this morning and felt compelled to share:

"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating." -Luciano Pavarotti


Also, it seems somehow wrong to post without a picture, but I couldn't think of a picture that went with this post, so here is a random shot of one of my kids, just because I think it's cute.

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