I know the backwards version of WFMW is coming up in a couple weeks, but I couldn't wait. I need your help!
This blog needs a name. It's just not working for me.
We're about to switch over to Wordpress for various reasons and in order to do that I need THE name. The name that will stick forever, unchanging and sure. A name that speaks to people, that brings hope and joy and oodles of page views.
And I got nothin'.
Ok, I admit the blog already has a name. I'm just not sure I like it that much.
A little back story: when I started the blog it was just 'my name dot blogspot dot com' and that was fine because it was just my journal. Then when I made it available to family I called it 'Living Well' because it made me think of Martha Stewart and Joyce Meyer and I want to be those girls.
As more folks I didn't know started checking in I was afraid they might think I was actually like those girls. I love being able to help folks out, but I certainly didn't want anyone getting the idea I had life all figured out. It started to sound a little condescending. So I put "The" in front of it and was pleased at the bit of double entendre - living intentionally (well) plus Jesus is the living water - get it?
And yet. I look at other blogs like The Pioneer Woman and Raising Olives and I love their catchy names! I have blog name envy. So I need your help. I need you to vote for a name. And you have to vote. You're obligated. You showed up here, so don't blame me. Once you're here, you're family. (Wait. Isn't that an Olive Garden commercial?)
Your choices are:
The Living Well. Just stick with it, for crying out loud.
Coffee and Babies. I like this (it seems that's what my life revolves around) but I'm afraid it won't be applicable in a few years.
The Accidental Californian. A play off my overwhelming desire to never live in SoCal.. and then moving here.
OR suggest your own. Please suggest your own. I'm begging you, really, to suggest a new one.
Or you can vote for one someone else suggested.
Remember, you have to vote. I'll know you were here. Just sayin'.
P.S. Thanks for reading. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
P.S.S. Please vote. Please. You can vote more than once. Tell your friends.
P.S.S.S. Thank you.
How about "Coffee and Littles"? They won't be babies very long but they will be little for a while! Ha, ha, you could even go for "Koffee and Kiddies"!